Econs inspiration
Here's a little smth I concocted during Econs lecture, when the LT was stifling hot because the aircon or something wasn't working.
Drone drone drone
Resources, demand, goods
Not conducive to our moods
Drone drone drone
Excessive government intervention
Gosh- a lack of ventilation!
Murmur murmur murmur
Of a hundred restless students
Trying in vain to stick to prudence.
Who knew that Econs would be an inspiration for me to write poems? I didn't!!
Anyway, have been fasting for 3 days now and feel like crap. Seriously.
Everyday I come home and I'll sleep for a bit, then wake up and TRY to study.
But I either get distracted or I feel a headache coming on.
Then today after breaking fast I feel so achey. Dunno y also.
This is NOT working! My body has to get used to the cycle if not for promos die.
Hasim's lesson today was surprisingly productive. I think it works that way when you actually do your work.
It's funny how economists will think about the -
You got a real big mike but I'm thinking bout the -
You got a real loud voice but I'm thinking bout the-
No there ain't no pain in me thinking bout the-
I dont give a -
Keep thinking bout your-
Cos it don't mean a thing if your brain is somewhere else
I'm gonna do my thing while you're thinking bout your-
Ha ah ha ha ah ha ha
Another tribute to Econs lecture. Sigh, I'm sorry. =X