why i havent been blogging

Ok, the reason I haven't been blogging is because I've been trying to manage 5 other blogs every day.
Well, they're not blogs exactly, but sites where I have to upload photos and images.
Its pretty fun except for the fact that its thematic and I have to stick to a quota of images and videos per day.
It gets pretty hard trying to think of new stuff to put up every day, but hey, I'm getting paid for it.
So anyway, training was cancelled AGAIN today. And I had gone all the way to school before I received the message. That message that goes : "Training cancelled..."
I was pissed off for a while, until I called zhenghui and persuaded her to have hot chocolate with me at starbucks. Yay, she rocks.
When I arrived at starbucks, I was like the first customer there!
And I came in with my dripping umbrella, messing up their squeaky clean floor.
Then I ordered the HOT CHOCOLATE. Yum.
The girl actually served me the drink, cos there was no one else there! Brilliant, eh? I've never been served in starbucks before.
Then zhenghui arrived, and she actually brought SCRABBLE, thinking we would run out of things to talk about.
As it turns out, we didn't. We both had more than enough things to catch up on.
It was so fun! Us sitting there, just talking about stuff and drinking hot chocolate.
Then she had to go off to work.
So I went off home, it was still pouring, and the morning wasn't wasted.
Oh, and if you need a good movie to watch right now, I highly recommend Charlotte's Web. Excellent movie, heartwarming and tear-jerking. You can watch it with anyone, cos its about a highly-valued friendship. Dakota Fanning played out her character well, as usual. And I actually felt fondness for Wilbur (a pig, no less) and Charlotte (a very motherly spider). So go catch it alright! Cheers!