reminscing (:

Ok I was just uploading all my 210 phone pictures from my memory card from the photos I took (mainly in school) last year and got reminded of all the stupid things we used to do in school! Haha. Gosh. I actually sorta miss school. Well, not the studying part but the slacking, talking rubbish and pretending we had no care in the world even though our A's were looming steadily ahead. Lotsa photos of the final lap of studying too, when we patronised Starbucks almost every day and contributed to their million dollar franchise in either Suntec or Bugis (Soefie still feels bitter about this, though she rarely bought any drinks from there).
The photos that got me laughing the most were the ones where some of my darlin classmates had conked out in the library Chronos. Damn funny la. Like dead bodies on the floor in different postitions.
And no, we were not slacking. We were on the other hand, very tired from all the studying and CCA-ing that we were doing. I wonder if uni life is gonna be just as stressful and just as packed? I believe it will...from everything I've been hearing. Whatever it is, I sure hope I get a bunch of friends as wonderful as those I found in 33/06. Cos its so much easier to go through shitloads of crap when you know you've got a grp of frens there propping you up (even when you're pretty much out on the carpeted library floor, much to the chagrin of the Malay uncle in the library) when you need it. Will always remember u guys...and hope we ALWAYS keep in touch. Love love! :D