Rishik's party (again)

It seems that every time I am free enough to blog, its after a party at Rishik's.
So here goes then.
Yesterday was Road Run! Wee. Haha. What a psycho. Its not exactly exciting.
Anyway, I didn't know I was in one of the Alpha teams for the run and only found out on the morning itself. I was appalled ok. Seriously. But yeah, I just pinned the bloody tag on and ran.
My position was horrible, of course, but I still felt pretty good after running cos I gave it my best.
After the run me and Andrea stood at the bleachers cheering the boys on. And the coconut jelly was oh-so-delicious. Have never tasted it before. Really refreshing. (:
Then after that went over to Rishik's place, which is located at the ends of the earth. (I'm serious about this, its situated right next to a dead end.)
His apartment is really well-decorated, and his room is SO neat! I love the decor-the shelves, tables, ornaments, most of which he carried over from his previous home.
We ordered pizza and watched Scary Movie 4. It's pretty hilarious. For those of you who have watched it, I think you'll agree that the Ju-on boy speaking Japanese was pretty darn funny- Tempura sushi sashimi! Gosh, I loved it. Some parts were tooooo bad to be funny but mostly it was nice. Good choice, Rannald!
Then after that we went for a swim in his pool. I absolutely refused to at first cos I didnt bring my swimsuit but they managed to persuade me to go in in my fbts and house t shirt. The unglam-ness of it all! Haha.
But I didn't regret it at all. It was amazingly fun. We did stupid things in the pool like holding on to each other and riding around, and sam and rishik had a holding breath in water competition. Boys!! Lol.
Then after that we showered and went to take a (very long) walk by the beach, where there was a lovely, lovely breeze.
After that we had dinner together at pasir ris central. Good food, good conversation.
We were telling loads of stories. And laughing our asses off.
Went home with Sabs, had a reall good talk with the girl. Love her sooo much. (:
Ok I'm gonna stay home and watch the movies they're showing on channel 5 tonight.
Adios! :D


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